Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Who’s the Boss?

Apparently, it has not been established yet that Kev and I are the bosses here. Both kids are still pushing the envelope to see what they can get away with, and when we scold them or punish them, they pout like their world is ending. This morning started off great. When we get there the kids are usually outside with their groups in one of the little sheds. We walk the perimeter looking for them, and today when we walked up to the shed, we heard in 5 part harmony “KAAAAA-LEEEEEM-KAAAAAZ!” The kids were all calling her name to let her know Mama and Papa were here. The joy on her face is just radient. She runs as fast as her worn out little sandals can carry her and jump into our arms. Then the trouble started. Lena started it with grabbing a blanket out of Dub’s hands. When we spanked her hand and said “Jok!” she started pouting and kicking and throwing off her hat. So I picked her up and took her to the other side of the room and sat her on the ground facing away from us and all the toys. Then the sobs really took off. They don’t throw fits like normal kids. They just sit and hang their heads and weep. But this time, she sat with her legs straight out in front of her and was doubled over nearly in half just sobbing. After a few minutes, I went over and patted her on the back and said it was OK and I still love her, but she must behave. She looked up at me with that look that breaks your heart and I scooped her up and rocked her until she calmed down.

Meanwhile, for some unknown reason, Dub was in a cross mood and didn’t want anything to do with anyone and just laid down on the floor and just looked at us with his blank expression he gets.

We finally got them playing again and Lena spread out the blanket we brought and spread out all the toys. She kept rearranging them into little sections. She lined the crayons end–to-end all along the perimeter of the blanket, then brought in the blocks, then arranged the crayons on top of the blocks. She is so funny about her “things”

We have been asked about their clothing. The nannies dress all the kids alike. All the boys wear one outfit and all the girls another. (Sometimes the boys are wearing girls outfits and vice versa. Maybe there’s not enough of one sex outfits to go around) They both wear sandals. Dub’s are too small and tomorrow we’ll take him a new pair. He has bad blisters on the backs of his heels. And boy are they smelly. Sing along with us: “Smelly feet, Smelly feet Why aren’t they bathing you? Smelly feet, smelly feet it’s just your shoes!” Vera says it’s because they are made in China. Chinese shoes make your feet stink. And we’re not just talking a little stinky. It’s full blown yucky. Lena’s are just pitiful.

But they fit and they’re comfy. I don’t want to take her girly girl sandals, because they play out in the dirt and they’ll get all messy. I’m sure she can’t wait to get Madeline’s hand me down galoshes! The hats, well, they belive that the children will get cold or catch a cold if their heads are uncovered. Dub could care less about his hat, but Lena gets very distraught if hers is off for more than a few minutes. They also believe that the Miller’s baby, Danielle, got a high fever and was very sick because she had been exposed to sunlight. Go figure. If that’s the case, Florida is not for her!

Dub had another nekkid day. He went to the garshok a total of 5 times today by himself with out us having to ask him.
Of course, when he does, like George Costanza, he likes to take off ALL his clothes. No encumbrances!

And the rest of the day was just playing and eating goldfish.
(Glad I brought the Sam’s economy size!!!)

Hey! Can you do this?

We ALL have them!

7 more days and a wake-up until we get custody. Then the real fun starts. We break them out of "jail" on the 16th and we leave Taraz on the 18th. From here we go to Almaty where it takes 2 weeks to get passports and exit visas and the Embassy exit interview. They say we should be able to leave around July 3rd or so. But I’m not holding my breath.

Thanks for looking and PEEEESHE leave us comments. We’d love to hear from home.

K, A, L, Ds


Anonymous said...

Hi Kevin, Angel and kids! I am the sister in law of Anne and Mike Morin. I live in Baton Rouge. Geaux Tigers! I started reading your blog when Anne sent me the link to your site with pictures of them with Dianna. I am enjoying reading about the adoption process in Kaz and seeing pictures of the kids. They're beautiful! Cristy

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandlin's...It's STM from Thomassson just checking in...Angel...we haven't met...but I love your notations under the photo's....your have a great sense of humor and MUCH patience. Tell Kevin that I was headed for a sub 80 golf round...then I made the turn!!!! All the best to you both , Stan

Anonymous said...

This isn't from home, it's just CO, Sally and Mary say hello. Can't wait for you to visit. Sounds like all is going well. Dub and Lena get cuter every day. They are so precious. You are very lucky to receive such a wonderful gift from God. Thank you for sharing your trip with us, it has been an adventure. Hope the remainder of your trip goes as well. Praying for your safe return.

Anonymous said...

Hi Angel and Kevin -- we prayed for you guys at Hour of Power tonight. i remember the heat of Kaz when we were there two summers ago getting Alexie.

Hang in there on the parenting power struggles. It sounds very familiar! blessings from the Apostles Adoption group! d. & r.

Anonymous said...

Jacob used to arrange his toys just as you've said Princess Lena does. he would take his machbox cars and line them up in color order...hhhm...perfectionists maybe? Well, if that's any indication at 3 or 4 years old, believe me it doesn't stick - Jacob's room is always a mess!

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