Good decisions:
Breakfast at the hotel. The kids are very good when you put them at a table with food on it. Half an omelette, a bowl of porridge, bread, cheese, and pancakes went over very well. And, the very nice hotel staff took to the chilluns quite nicely, babying and spoiling them at every turn. They got half an apple and a piece of candy as we left breakfast. Bonus: Kevin and Angel got adult food at this meal.

Alina, the Hotel Reception Desk lady, cooing over Dub.

Ditto for Lena.
Long walk around the park. Kids loved being out and about in the sunshine without the restrictions of Umit over them. We walked all over the park, stared in amazement at the "swimmers" in the local little fountain as they ran all over the place staying cool in the water. We climbed a million sets of stairs, which is odd, since Taraz is almost completely flat, except for the hill in this park by the hotel. They are both quite good at going up and down stairs.

It's just a big fountain, where most of the kids run around in their underwear in 2 feet of water.

Afternoon nap. Both slept like babies for 2+ hours between 1-330 today. Note to self: Lena wakes up very very happy, but Dub is like his Mama. So, we should not wake up grumpy to early...we should let him sleep.
Bad decision:
NOT getting the kids out for a LOT of exercise between nap and dinner time. We met another couple who had just arrived from Almaty and met their two kids at Umit. They naturally wanted to pump as much information out of us as possible. So, while we had fun meeting them and sharing our stories, the kids were bored for a couple of hours, and were not tired AT ALL at bedtime. OY! You know how that turned out. However, it was opposite the first night, as Lena quietly lay in her bed until she went to sleep, and Dub screamed bloody murder for an hour until Mama finally rocked him to sleep. She has the touch.
Dinner of broth soup, bread, cheese, and smashed potatoes was a hit, as was the two cookies afterward.
Finally, at the end of the day, as we silently wispered about how we'd get them to sleep tomorrow, we realized neither of us had eaten since breakfast. See "bonus" above. Funny thing is we weren't hungry either.
So, day 2 was, generally, a success. Still working on the bed time routine, and we'll get that figured out sooner or later. And then we'll travel on 2 planes for 2 days and completely mess it up again! But, that'll mean we're home, and that's ok.
Thank you all for your continued comments of encouragement. It means everything to us to hear how so many people care so much.
Sleepy, Sneezy, Grumpy, and Dopey
PS - don't be surprised if these posts get shorter and shorter, with more and more mispellings and mindless blathering. We'll get there.
So far you are passing the "tests" with flying colors - in fact, you will always figure out a way to get through the day (or night.) Word of caution: Dub might get very fond of being rocked to sleep... Not only will the blogs get shorter.....also earlier and later and just about whenever they are asleep! Enjoy! Grandma & Papu
Isn't parenthood grand?!?!? You live and you learn. We are so happy for you. I wish I could get your blog on the computer at the store so everyone could see your beautiful new children. Mary and Sally say hi and hope you have a safe trip home. Sounds like all is going well. Take care
How much I am enjoying your daily blogs. I almost feel I am going through all your experiences vicariously. (That's the ONLY way I could do what you're doing.) I have been especially awaiting the reports about life when you have the little ones 24/7. So far you have not skipped a daily blog. Doing great! Keep up the good work. Aunt Tincy (way off in Texas)
Alas, we knew the day would arrive when the blog slowed down - at least it is for a good reason!Sounds like everything is going well - not to sure about the weight loss program of skipping meals - you may need the protein to stay ahead of their energy! Eat an apple mid day - works for me!
The PA Boss
Hi, I'm actually Anne Marie's cousin (the Morrin family) but I have been following your blog daily for updates. I think you have a wonderful adventure ahead of you, I have 5 children ranging in age from 19 to 2 so I know what a challenge it can be. I think ya'll are doing great and it will all work out for you just the way God has planned. Your children are very blessed to have parents like you to love, spoil and take care of them for the rest of their lives. God Bless You for all you are doing and all you will be doing in the future. Please tell Anne if you see her, I love her. (stacy)
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