Went to playground again this morning. Hot. Both L&D were very upset when we left. Papa went to market and laundry while mama got kids started on lunch. Lena eats so slow, and they were so exhausted that Dub literally fell asleep on the table after he ate. Nap time started out really easy today. Whew.

Lena successfully negotiated the suspension bridge, despite any number of very rude and inconsiderate Kazakh youths there. They'd run over a 3-year-old without a second thought. In fact, they have, do, and did, both yesterday and today.

He just sat there waiting to be excused, and fell fast alseep.

Even Lena thought this was nuts, as she chewed her food 432 more times.
Unfortunately, naptime ended with 2 little versions of Stalin's revenge. Mama got that call, since Papa was napping because he didn't sleep last night. Oy. Didn't do much this afternoon but play with the kiddos.
Things we've recently learned about L&D:
- Lena takes more time than a finicky cat to eat every meal. She eventually eats, but it takes forever.
- We didn't see tears from Dub for 5 weeks at Umit, and that only after a nasty fall on the pavement. Now he cries at the drop of a hat.
- L&D are learning to share, but it's slow and painful.
- Dub is fat. Ain't no way he's the 22 pounds they said he was before we arrived. He's a load.
- Lena is very talented. Things like throwing and catching a ball just come naturally.
All this is in the constant light of knowing that they have been uprooted from a very mechanical lifestyle at Umit, and are seeing brand new things every single day. So, we're giving a little grace as we get to know them - the REAL them, as they let their proverbial hair down.
At least when Dub is a mess, Lena holds her own. Hopefully they won't both decide to have a bad day at the same time any more than they already have. Mommies are not allowed to be sick, so Angel will have to get better right away! Love the snap of Dub zonked on the table with Lena wondering what he was doing! Baba
Again, you are my favorite reality show of the summer! My nephew and neices have just moved to town. My 4 year old neice should hang with Lena at dinner time - no concept of time!!! Yeah for Lena holding her own at the playground!! :0) Sandwiches for lunch: $1.25 each; juice in new sippy cup: $1.35; falling asleep at the table and getting it on film - priceless!
The PA Boss
Dear children,
I'm sorry I haven't written, but Simon's computer has not been working and Lisie and I have both been feeling rotten. I go to bridge and took Sally lunch today, but I am not really myself. I hope that I will be well by the time you get home. June invited me to Salem, but you will be home by that time and maybe you would like to take the kids and show them off. Sorry you are having a time with Dub, but that is what happens to parents. You rock with the punches. I can't wait to see them. They look so darling in the pictures. We will have lots of time together when you get home. I love you all,
I have a new question for you guys. We have all been so interested in what the kids are doing that no one says anything about Fezzik. How is the old boy. Is he managing without you? He was such a baby himself, I bet this has been hard on him. When you get home, don't forget to give him lots of attention (in your spare time) or he will begin to resent the new kids on the block. Boys are you going to have your hands full with two kids, a dog, and multiple cats. Better be ready to call in reinforcements from time to time. I am still keeping all of pictures of the kids in iPhoto so I can put together a slideshow. This last picture of Dub is great ... the best one yet. Hang in there. They will even out when they get home and settled. Remember that even you two are still new to them. Love you all and hope you get the flight out on Tuesday. Lisie
P.S. Decided not to name the cat garshok, although it is probably very fitting.
Hi! I am reading your update for today and remembering at least 10 years with three babies and no sleep. And you guys wonder how I can sleep anywhere! Tip # 1 from big sis, Kev - children=no sleep. Even if they do sleep, you've got something to catch up on, read or worry about so you still don't sleep! But, the joy as a parent is well worth the bags under the eyes...Aunt Caroline is ready and willing to take the kids for an afternoon while new mama and papa sleep! Love you! Caroline
Hey ya'll-
Hang in there guys... you're almost home! Remember the kids have been taken away from the only "home" they have ever known, and don't know anything but the regimented, soviet-style, institutionalized existence they had at Umit. And all the love and attention they are getting is probably as much as a shock as being away from the orphanage... What a challange for you guys. I admire you!
In between falling out of bed, temper tantrums, and general fussiness, make sure you're getting time alone with God. I know the Sovereign Lord that placed these kids with you and filled you up with love for them will fill you with peace, patience and serenity in the misdts of the craziness! (note how this twenty-something with NO children is so confident of this! :-) I can't wait to learn from you guys. I love you.
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