We had lots of fun with L&D (it was D&L yesterday, so today we switch) today, then all the Americans who are here - Sandlins, Millers, Morins, and Laura & Betty - all went out to Bosfor for dinner. Those poor waitresses! All these Americanetz! Food was good, and we enjoyed a night out, then spent a few minutes on the Taraz square. The square is a happenin place after dark, especially on the weekends: roller blades, air hockey, karaoke, and all the ice cream you can eat.

A fun Saturday. Sunday shall be a day of rest (we don't get enough naps during the week). We've been taking notes on the local food and traffic customs. Perhaps we can post our findings tomorrow. We'll see.
For now, a few pictures from today.

The kids are voracious readers already. So what if both books are upside down?

Lena loves her doodle pad. It's also very handy for negotiating at the bazaar.

What a ham. Dub seems to know he's being photographed, and acts accordingly.

No way! Get out! You did not?!?

We trapped her and tried to force her to smile. Didn't work.

When she's not being emotional, Lena is a very funny little girl.

Hey! How'd you get like that? Daddy, you got some WHITE legs.


What a sweet girl!

If you had to wear this ridiculous getup every single day, you'd have this look on your face too! And, no, I do NOT have my Daddy's legs!!

And, this seals it: no political aspirations for either Sandlin child.
1 comment:
Hi Ange and Kev! I've been out of the loop for the last couple of weeks (first in Guatemala then with Brent's family up on a ranch in New Mexico) but caught up on all the posts today. I love seeing the cute pics and hearing the stories. Can't wait to see you all soon -- I guess in September. Keep hanging in there! Love, Hilary
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