Dub is just Dub. All little boy. Rolls with the punches.
We brought them some new kazakh alphabet blocks. Just good old square blocks with letters on them. They don't care about the letters, but both of them got very creative in making shapes and things with the blocks. Lena is very smart at blocks. She woud arrange them in certain shapes and knew exact symmetry - which block goes where and how they fit together. Dub would just build a tall tower and then knock it down. Good boy, or, in Kaz, "Joksi Balla". "Good girl" in Kaz is "Joksi Kz". (not a typo, just "kz").
After the morning session, we went shopping and found a Russian version of some Bugs Bunny cartoons as well as a Baba Yaga video. Then, Vera showed us a really close place to get "Samsa", a triangle shaped pastry of filo dough filled with cheese, chicken, or beef. YUMMMMMMMMYY! The best part is that each one, which is about the size of slice of NY Pizza but about 2 inches thick, is just 20 Tenge, or 15 cents.
Here's some interesting stuff: Lena and Dub will both need a little cosmetic surgery when we get home. Lena has a tally-wacker shaped belly button caused by (we think) a herniated navel, and Dub has not been circumcised! Put that on top of the fact that Dub had another accident - 5 minutes after we sat him on the potty (gashok) for 5 minutes - when we took him to his group to get changed, his caretaker (who loves him a lot) said something in Kaz and stuck out her index finger and made a chopping motion that looked like "stop having accidents or we'll cut it off!" And now we have to have him circumcised! What's the poor fella gonna think he did wrong?!? I'll try to get Vera to clarify what she said tomorrow.
We had several battles of will with Lena today. You tell her "NO!" and she just laughs in your face. This is partly because she does not yet recognize that we are her new authority figures, and partly her getting comfortable enough with us to try just about anything. Both are good and bad. But we are already exhausted of playing this game. I can see now why parents get beaten down after awhile. Oh, so much to learn...
Now for all the pictures!

You can see how she could use such expressions to manipulate her new parents.

And here are the stockings of the day! Imagine that: bland beige. Oh well.

We mentioned earlier that Lena is a very neat eater. It's true. Today with yogurt, not a drop was spilt. But then there's Dub, aka, I must eat it all in one bite or someone will take it from me!

It won't be long and I won't be able to do this anymore. Gotta hit those free weights!

Above is a picture of all the kids in Lena's play group. They are all very sweet kids, and they always talk to us when we're on our laps around Umit with Dub & Lena.

This is very typical of how one or two caretakers handle 6-10 infants at a time!

Finally, some more shots of the beautiful gardens around the orphanage. The roses are just about to explode, and these are some early bloomers.
We met a new family today, from St. Pete Florida. They are adopting a little girl from Dub's play group. Nice folks, and they are joining us in praying that our 15-day waiting period is waived. Please continue to pray that the judge will waive this requirement.
Angel & Kevin
PS - thank you for all the encouraging emails and comments on this blog. We're a long way from home, and it means so much to hear from our friends and family. Thank you again.
They are so precious! I'm so sorry I've been out of the loop - I couldn't find you! My prayers are with you for the new judge and don't foget you'll have family in St. Pete so you can go see your new friends! Now that's a blessing as well!!!! The picture on 'open wide' looks just like William! I would love to be there when they all meet. Know I love you ALL!!!!! Happy :)
Ya'll remember G....had to have two ops on his wee wee....we are keeping up daily and hope and pray for all (4)of you. I think it is really neat you have one of each sex.....As they get to the dating age, which will be here quicker than you think, you will have two different rules......just wait and see....I bet Kevin says " my boy can date at 14" and my little darling can date at 18...God Bless you guys and keep us posted.
Oh My! I just found the site today! (I kept checking Kevin's and wondering why you hadn't been able to post yet...Silly me!) They are both beautiful! I have loved reading all the previous posts tonight and catching up. It is amazing to see how God loves to surprise and bless us. We are excited for you and praying for you. Love you all.
Lisa & Phillip
This morning we spent time looking at all of the picture again with our girls. We are so excited, and noticed just how beautiful Angel looks. Motherhood really suits you. Also chuckling as we realize that your lives are changed forever-Praise God. Congrats on the new center to your universe. We ready your story everyday and pray for you.
Love Mark,Zana,Jessie and Cailin
Currently: Monrovia, Liberia
I'm so happy for all of you and can't wait for you to get home so I can meet your beautiful children. I'm so proud of both of you for your strength and know it will all be worth it in the end. Thank you so much for the regular updates - we are all so interested in your journeys, and are wishing the best for all four of you.
Love, Gay
I hope you get this I'm no computer wiz. I have been following your letters daily and wanted you to know your in our thoughts & prayers. Pat & Guy Austin
Hi Kevi and Annie-Banger...sorry about Lena's shoulder! We've really enjoyed your daily updates...can't wait to see you! Love C-Line
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