Lena continues to learn how to say very adamantly, "Please!" for treats. Dub kind of mumbles it, but means it, just doesn't articulate as well yet. Lena knows everyone's name: mama, papa, dub, lena, without hints. Dub knows Mama, Papa, and if you point at her, Lena, but he doesn't quite get his own nickname yet, Dub.
After lunch and a short nap, at 230 we went to the Taraz historical Museum - very interesting, with English speaking guide. Taraz used to be a major stop on the "the great silk road" of ancient times.
- Afternoon visit with D&L was great. Here are several family photos of the other adopting families that are here with us, the Morins from Virginia (via Italy) and the Millers from Florida. We introduced peanut butter to Dub & Lena by way of simple packaged peanut butter crackers. They loved them. Lena, as we would expect because she is JUST like her mommy, spent 15 minutes licking the peanut butter off of the cracker before she would eat the cracker. Dub crunched his down in no time at all.
Lots of pictures below. Please pray for the judge to waive the 15 day waiting period, and for smooth transitions for the flights home.
Angel & Kevin

This is the Miller family, from Florida. Valerie is their soon-to-be adopted daughter. She's in Dub's play group.

This is the Morin family, currently in transition from Italy to Virginia, with Asim (Diana), their new 10 month old daughter.

1 comment:
I get up every AM and log on to see what adventure you've had. I savor them and then chat w/ family about y'all. I'm so happy for you!!!! It sounds like everyone if fitting together great and that y'all will be 'the' perfect parents! Know I love y'all!
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