Now for the "stockings of the day!" Dub (Valeryi) is always dressed - as all the kids are - in 3 or 4 layers of clothing, even on hot days. But under all that are a different set of stockings each day. These are the equivalent of our "long johns" with feet. See below for exactly what I mean. These are never anything like low-key beige, blue, or other quiet color. They are always loud, and different every day.

Lena continues to show her smarts, her ability and intention to wrap her daddy around her little finger, and her pouty side. One thing that we must note is that these kids have the equivalent of 3 years of Army training for babies. They are drilled in routine, routine, routine. What a blessings for these totally inexperienced parents of theirs! Like Dub did yesterday when I took away his apple juice, Lena stuck out her lip, turned around and pouted when we said "boldi" (enough) to the gummy bears. After about 30 seconds of pouting, she came back to the fun.

We commented on this behavior and their 3 years of training to Vera. Her reply was, "Yes, and if you read their instruction manual and follow the directions, they will remain well trained. However, since we don't give you the instruction manual, you will spoil them forever."
Vera took us to the bazaar at lunchtime. Imagine 2 Georgia Domes FULL of vendors of everything from bras to pig heads. Vera wore us out speed-shopping through this massive market. No visits to Umit on Sunday. We'll miss Lena & Dub. I'm coming down with a sore throat, so we'll be taking the day off.
Please continue to pray that we will draw the substitute judge for our custody hearing and that this judge would waive the 15 day waiting period.
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