Had a great visit this morning. As usual, Monday mornings are very clingy. It is so bloody hot, we went outside to try to use one of the little sheds they have for playing and were all settled in for a nice visit in the shade with a breeze blowing, and up walks a nanny with babes in arms and blankets and toys and just takes over the shed. Not a "Sorry" or even a "Leave please" they just swooped in and took over. Considering there are usually about 10 babies per 2 workers, I guess they needed the space more than we did.
Came home absolutely drenched in sweat and stripped down to our skivvies and lay prostrate on the nice cold sheets in the 18 degree Celsius room. (We told Vera our room was 18 and she almost fell off of her chair. "Like a refrigerator!" she said.) If we could’ve gotten it down to 10, we would have been very happy.
The afternoon visit was a bit more promising with dark storm clouds (not the children- real clouds!) moving in to cool things down a bit. But after the rain, there was zero breeze and hotter than the morning. So we stayed in the room and suffered. We've tried opening a few windows- there is an entire bank of windows along one wall- but they are single pane windows in 1x1 frames and very flimsy. The wood is all swollen, and if you tug too hard, you break both the window and the frame. We haven't done that yet, but I can feel it coming.
Just kind of an ordinary Groundhog Day.
Court tomorrow (Tuesday) at 10am (12 midnight EST) then the countdown- 15 days of waiting then at least 1 day to gather our papers. Then off to Almaty for about a week. Our wonderful agent at Delta- Marlene- looked around and found 4 business class (we’re NOT going back to steerage!!!) seats on June 21 and again on July 4. If we HAVE to go as cargo, we could get out on June 24. But that is of course if the timing works out. PLEASE PRAY!!!
Sorry about yesterday’s post. We were VERY busy. We had this very important nap that lasted for a few hours then we had an appointment with Jack Bauer and 24. It lasted from 6pm-11pm. After that, we were too exhausted to post. Next Sunday we’ll fill you in on the bazaar-from-hell and the strange food and driving habits.
Blessing to all!
Angel and Kevin

Isn't she looking like a girly-girl? Ballet classes to start soon!

Her American Indian name will be "Runs like a girl"

Two dresses in ONE day!

It's easy bein me!

What the heck are you doing???

Ain't I cute???

Trying to teach them how to blow Dandelions

Gimme Gimme Gimme

I WANT those cookies NOW!
Sorry I haven't corresponded, but it would be easier for me to explain nuclear fusion than to "post a blog." We are at Danelle's and Jim pulled this up for me. I CAN"T WAIT to hold those precious kids. We have a big box of Lena clothes waiting for her and we are adding to them daily. Even bows--make them stop cutting her hair. Don't worry. A few weeks of gummy vitamins and her hair will be half way down her back. Nay Nay has a surprise for each of them. Madeline is taking care of them until you all get here. We pray for each of you every night and hope you can get out on that early flight. Let us know if we can meet you/take your car to the airport. We all love you. Leah
It sounds like weather I would like! Hang in there. It looks like you will have a cool spell (71) on Friday. TGIF ! Love you, Lisie
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