Friday, May 13, 2005

Open wide!!!

We got up very early, but had a very good sleep. Our body clocks are on Kaz time now.

Both Dub & Lena were in very good spirits, and each has grown accustomed to the daily routine of twice a day sessions with their new Mama and Papa. We played, read books, made bubbles, and did a couple laps around Umit. The morning sessions are only 90 minutes really fly by. Lena figured out where the animal crackers were and how to get one of her own. Lena & Dub held hands on one of our walks.

Went to souvenir shop with Vera afterwards. Came home for lunch, read our books, and Angel slept hard for two hours. Maybe her body clock is on some other time.

Great afternoon session with kids. Orphanage was doing something like a health inspection so we had to stay outside the whole time. That's GOOD, because it was very nice a cool today.

Learning a little about Dub & Lena's personalities. Dub was drinking his apple juice a little too fast, and I asked him to give me the cup and then take a deep breath. His version of a little tantrum was to stick his lower lip WAY out, and turn around with his back to me and hang his head. That lasted about 30 seconds, then he came back for the rest of his juice. Tried the sippy cup again, and it really throws them for a loop. They do just fine with a regular cup.

Lena looks to be more and more like her new mommy every day. She bites the heads, ears, arms and legs off gummy bears while she eats them, is very protective of her "possessions" (teddy bear, book, balloon), and is bound and determined to get 2 puzzle pieces to fit together, especially when they don't fit at all.

This picture should sum up our wonderful day today. These kids are so precious!

Open Wide!

Vera took us to a larger market, and then showed us where the local Georgian restaurant is. Turns out it's within walking distance from the hotel.

There is a chance that the normal family court judge will go on vacation at the time that we are due in court, which is around May 31. If this happens, the "substitute" judge is very likely to waive the 15 day waiting period, because, as Vera put it, "he is not so ambitious". Please pray that the judge takes his vacation the last week in May, and that the other judge chooses to waive the 15 day waiting period and we can come home with Dub and Lena in mid-June. Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK - somehow I've missed the loop but in now! WOW what a journey you've been on - emotional, physical, and spiritual. That picture of the two w/ their mouths open looks JUST like William!!!! Know I love you - all 4 and will keep you in my prayers!
