First Lena. They didn't report Angel to Taraz DFACS, but they did determine that Lena had a dislocated shoulder. Most of the pictures today are of Dub, since Lena and Angel went to the "hospital" (Soviet style..."hospital" in name only) to take care of the shoulder while Kev & Dub had some male bonding time.
Angel felt the first real manifestation of motherhood. "It was all I could do not to bust through that door and tear my little girl away!" This statement from Angel after they took Lena into "the room" behind cold steel doors and re-set her dislocated shoulder, and Lena let out an agonizing, blood-curdling cry of pain. She should be 100% in a couple of days. No permanent damage, except to Angel's heart.
Dub's heart, and Kevin's, may take a little longer to heal. Dub had 2 potty accidents today, and boy did he hear about it from Brune Hilda. We confirmed with Vera today that, indeed, Brune Hilda IS telling Dub that if he doesn't stop going in his pants, they're going to cut IT off. I expressed my strong objection to this kind of potty training humiliation upon deaf ears. I'm no psychologist, but it cannot be good for a little boy to hear that he's going to lose his equipment if he doesn't behave properly. Probably appropriate for many adult males these days, but Dub's not quite there yet.
We finished off the first season of "24" last night...WHEW!! Taking a break before we join Jack Bauer for season 2. Been meaning to report a few oddities seen in and around Taraz: a heard of sheep seemingly roaming the city by themselves; a woman grazing a cow in the city park right outside our hotel; a traffic accident involving a donkey cart; crazy driving...we're working on a crude Quentin Tarantino-esque production of "Cops: LIVE from Taraz!" to demonstrate the, uh, freedom with which they drive over here. Very enlightening, scary. We Americans with our lanes, balk lines, traffic lights, all those rules...HA!
And, we have submitted their names for passports, official birth certificates, visas, etc.:
William Roscoe Sandlin
Miriam Helena Sandlin
And, finally, for those of you who just read this blog for the pictures...


One of just a few smiles on a rough day for the Dubinator.

This is what little boys do...only they dress different.

Fair is fair. Dub's potty photo was just a few days ago.

No way this thing's empty! We did NOT eat them all!?!

Darn sippy cup child safety bottle top thingy!

I can never find anything in here!

Just bein' Lena.
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