Then the BIG question: “Have you ever been arrested?” *Gulp* “Yes.” “Please explain.” So we spent 10 minutes on why Kevin was arrested at age 18 (their records said he was 16) for possession of alcohol by a minor. They wanted to know why it didn’t show up on our background checks – because the records were expunged after 6 years. “Why isn’t there a record the record being expunged?” In our dossier we included a notarized letter from Conyers Police Dept. stating that the record was expunged. I guess something got lost in the translation.
Then he grilled me on why I can’t have a baby (medically unknown reasons). “Are you sure you can raise 2 kids?” (heck, no I’m not sure- but of course I didn’t tell HIM that!) “Perhaps it would be better if you adopted only one child.” My heart stopped. If he were to tell me I could only have one and I had to choose, I would have lost it. My future life passed in front of my eyes- would I throw myself on the floor kicking and screaming? Would I lunge at him to attack and get arrested never to see Lena ‘n Dub or USA ever again? Can I strangle with my bare hands? Could I do a proper Jack Bauer imitation?!? What would I be willing to do to get him to give me both kids? Blessedly, that question was sufficed with “Yes, we are sure we want to adopt these 2 children!”
Then the director gave her schpeel and then the guardian council representative gave hers. The judge spent about 20 minutes reading something out loud, and then we were told to wait outside. Everyone cleared the room so he could consider the case (or was he really doing shots of vodka and having a smoke?). Either way, he called us back in and read for another 20 min then it was declared that we were approved.
We were never given the chance to even ask for the 15 days to be waived. Just congrats and goodbye. So tomorrow starts the 15 day wait.
Had a fun afternoon with Lena & Dub. They are really learning very quickly. Now when I ask, "What do you say?" as I hold out a goldfish cracker to them, they say "what do you say?" instead of "PEEEEZHE!!" So I have to say "Please!" and of course, when I say "Thank you!" to prompt them to say it, I get the usual "DONGO!!"
Lena decided to be very disobedient and climb up a chair to try and reach a balloon on the wall. Well, the chair flipped over backwards between "LENA!" and "NO!" and she wacked her head on the iron heat radiator. Angel wishes to interject here that she was not present during this debacle. Anyway, Daddy was quickly there to comfort the little girl, and put a nice cold cloth on her forehead. Once she saw the bottle of fresh cold water, we figured out that she was much more scared than hurt, but she does have a nice radiator-shaped pattern on her forehead.
Then we had a celebratory dinner with Very, Mit, and the Morin family. In the Russian tradition, we were held accountable to celebrate with very cold Vodka. OY!

So, more good news for today: It's CLEAN SHEET DAY at Hotel Gazovic! Woo hoo! Yes, we have Ward and June Cleaver (Or Frank & Estelle, depending on your view of things) room arrangements. :-)

But then, shortly thereafter, we got more disappointing news: it won't be 1 week (or less) in Almaty, it will be 2 weeks. Doesn't look like we're going to be back in Atlanta for July 4th, but there is an outside chance. Please pray that we can get flights out as soon as all the paperwork is done. Also, please pray for our patience and perserverance. It seems like every time we think we're getting close to a milestone, the next milestone is moved further away, and it is very, very hot here. We were told "no shorts" because it's not the norm in this part of the world. BUBKAS!!! We're melting over here! Thank you God for a great hotel, and the occasional cloudy day here.
We'll survive. We're just spoiled Americans! This week we are very safe because there is a contingency of Americans from the American Embassy in Uzbekistan staying at Gazovic. There are armed guards at the doors!
Kevin & Angel
So glad that this part of the journey is finally over for you. Mom had decided that she did not feel well enough to go up for the fourth of July, so we will just have to wait a bit longer until you bring the little ones to the ocean. Congratulations on now being Lena and Dub's official Mom and Dad.
Dear Angel and Kevin,
How is your trip? I can't wait until I get to meet Dub and Lena and then we can play on your playground.
I love you.
Jackson Lucas
Well, it just sounds like you have your hands full but will handle it, one way or the the judge...that sounds very American, Angel....and DFACS wants to know about the head bruise when you get home. We won't tell them of the shoulder displacement.
On the serious side. We are hoping and planning on the Sandlin Family, all 4 of you on the 3rd, 4th or 5th or whenever. We will eveen have Dub and Lena's own boat jacket.
Sammy is going to another specialist this Friday to determine if he has any autisim...D'nell is bringing the twins home Thursday to keep them here. God Bless all four of you....keep the faith and don't strangle the judge...jim and OH yes, enjoy the good Vodka.....
CONGRATULATIONS!! Every day is a milestone. Your family of two has just doubled. How cool is that?!YES you can be a mother of two - but two at once? I don't know much about that. It'll be an adventure. Never a dull moment.
Will pray for your quick trip home.
Getting the judge's approval was quite a milestone. Happy day! I notice Dub's real name is to be William Roscoe Sandlin and it makes me want to call him Will. I have a William, too, and even the name Bill he uses confuses things for his legal name. Love,Aunt Tincy
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