Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Sweet Fancy Moses!

It’s (somewhat) official. We were approved by the court today to adopt William Roscoe Sandlin and Miriam Helena Sandlin, hereafter known as Lena ‘n’ Dub. We got to court just before our scheduled appointment of 10am. It was a small room with a desk for the judge, and a table on either side- one for the prosecutor and one for the Guardian Council Representative and for the Director of Umit Baby Home. We sat on benches between the two. There is no air conditioning at all, they never open windows here, and we were all dressed up – Kev in a dress shirt and coat and me in a dress and short jacket. We were both just dripping sweat – Kevin’s face was purple from the heat and he had to keep mopping his brow. We killed some time chatting with the Morin family. Then they were told to go outside and wait in the hallway. Then we waited some more. And then after we were done waiting, we waited some more. Around 11:15am the judge finally comes in and we start the proceedings. He asked the usual questions of both of us – name, DOB, birthplace, workplace. Then he questioned us individually. He asked Kevin the big questions like “Why are you adopting?” “Why 2 kids?” “Why Kazakhstan?”

Then the BIG question: “Have you ever been arrested?” *Gulp* “Yes.” “Please explain.” So we spent 10 minutes on why Kevin was arrested at age 18 (their records said he was 16) for possession of alcohol by a minor. They wanted to know why it didn’t show up on our background checks – because the records were expunged after 6 years. “Why isn’t there a record the record being expunged?” In our dossier we included a notarized letter from Conyers Police Dept. stating that the record was expunged. I guess something got lost in the translation.

Then he grilled me on why I can’t have a baby (medically unknown reasons). “Are you sure you can raise 2 kids?” (heck, no I’m not sure- but of course I didn’t tell HIM that!) “Perhaps it would be better if you adopted only one child.” My heart stopped. If he were to tell me I could only have one and I had to choose, I would have lost it. My future life passed in front of my eyes- would I throw myself on the floor kicking and screaming? Would I lunge at him to attack and get arrested never to see Lena ‘n Dub or USA ever again? Can I strangle with my bare hands? Could I do a proper Jack Bauer imitation?!? What would I be willing to do to get him to give me both kids? Blessedly, that question was sufficed with “Yes, we are sure we want to adopt these 2 children!”

Then the director gave her schpeel and then the guardian council representative gave hers. The judge spent about 20 minutes reading something out loud, and then we were told to wait outside. Everyone cleared the room so he could consider the case (or was he really doing shots of vodka and having a smoke?). Either way, he called us back in and read for another 20 min then it was declared that we were approved.

We were never given the chance to even ask for the 15 days to be waived. Just congrats and goodbye. So tomorrow starts the 15 day wait.

Had a fun afternoon with Lena & Dub. They are really learning very quickly. Now when I ask, "What do you say?" as I hold out a goldfish cracker to them, they say "what do you say?" instead of "PEEEEZHE!!" So I have to say "Please!" and of course, when I say "Thank you!" to prompt them to say it, I get the usual "DONGO!!"

Lena decided to be very disobedient and climb up a chair to try and reach a balloon on the wall. Well, the chair flipped over backwards between "LENA!" and "NO!" and she wacked her head on the iron heat radiator. Angel wishes to interject here that she was not present during this debacle. Anyway, Daddy was quickly there to comfort the little girl, and put a nice cold cloth on her forehead. Once she saw the bottle of fresh cold water, we figured out that she was much more scared than hurt, but she does have a nice radiator-shaped pattern on her forehead.

Then we had a celebratory dinner with Very, Mit, and the Morin family. In the Russian tradition, we were held accountable to celebrate with very cold Vodka. OY!

So, more good news for today: It's CLEAN SHEET DAY at Hotel Gazovic! Woo hoo! Yes, we have Ward and June Cleaver (Or Frank & Estelle, depending on your view of things) room arrangements. :-)

But then, shortly thereafter, we got more disappointing news: it won't be 1 week (or less) in Almaty, it will be 2 weeks. Doesn't look like we're going to be back in Atlanta for July 4th, but there is an outside chance. Please pray that we can get flights out as soon as all the paperwork is done. Also, please pray for our patience and perserverance. It seems like every time we think we're getting close to a milestone, the next milestone is moved further away, and it is very, very hot here. We were told "no shorts" because it's not the norm in this part of the world. BUBKAS!!! We're melting over here! Thank you God for a great hotel, and the occasional cloudy day here.

We'll survive. We're just spoiled Americans! This week we are very safe because there is a contingency of Americans from the American Embassy in Uzbekistan staying at Gazovic. There are armed guards at the doors!

Kevin & Angel

Monday, May 30, 2005

Girly- Girl

Two visits in a row we got to see Lena in a dress! Now if we can get them to quit cutting their hair! The first thing this morning when we got there, they were having music class in the music room where we usually bond. When Lena came out with the director, she was a little storm cloud and had real tears rolling down her cheeks. It seems when they cracked open the door to peek in and see if they were almost done, Lena saw Kevin and she was told she couldn't leave until class was over. Apparently that didn't go over real well with the little princess.

Had a great visit this morning. As usual, Monday mornings are very clingy. It is so bloody hot, we went outside to try to use one of the little sheds they have for playing and were all settled in for a nice visit in the shade with a breeze blowing, and up walks a nanny with babes in arms and blankets and toys and just takes over the shed. Not a "Sorry" or even a "Leave please" they just swooped in and took over. Considering there are usually about 10 babies per 2 workers, I guess they needed the space more than we did.

Came home absolutely drenched in sweat and stripped down to our skivvies and lay prostrate on the nice cold sheets in the 18 degree Celsius room. (We told Vera our room was 18 and she almost fell off of her chair. "Like a refrigerator!" she said.) If we could’ve gotten it down to 10, we would have been very happy.

The afternoon visit was a bit more promising with dark storm clouds (not the children- real clouds!) moving in to cool things down a bit. But after the rain, there was zero breeze and hotter than the morning. So we stayed in the room and suffered. We've tried opening a few windows- there is an entire bank of windows along one wall- but they are single pane windows in 1x1 frames and very flimsy. The wood is all swollen, and if you tug too hard, you break both the window and the frame. We haven't done that yet, but I can feel it coming.

Just kind of an ordinary Groundhog Day.

Court tomorrow (Tuesday) at 10am (12 midnight EST) then the countdown- 15 days of waiting then at least 1 day to gather our papers. Then off to Almaty for about a week. Our wonderful agent at Delta- Marlene- looked around and found 4 business class (we’re NOT going back to steerage!!!) seats on June 21 and again on July 4. If we HAVE to go as cargo, we could get out on June 24. But that is of course if the timing works out. PLEASE PRAY!!!

Sorry about yesterday’s post. We were VERY busy. We had this very important nap that lasted for a few hours then we had an appointment with Jack Bauer and 24. It lasted from 6pm-11pm. After that, we were too exhausted to post. Next Sunday we’ll fill you in on the bazaar-from-hell and the strange food and driving habits.

Blessing to all!
Angel and Kevin

Isn't she looking like a girly-girl? Ballet classes to start soon!

Her American Indian name will be "Runs like a girl"

Two dresses in ONE day!

It's easy bein me!

What the heck are you doing???

Ain't I cute???

Trying to teach them how to blow Dandelions

Gimme Gimme Gimme

I WANT those cookies NOW!

Saturday, May 28, 2005


One of the Sandlin women is going through PMS today, and it’s NOT Mama. One of their grandmothers (we’ve yet to decide which one to call Baba Yaga) always said girls were born with it and let it out a little at a time. Lena was very pouty today. This morning especially. Nothing would please her. She’d ask to be held, and then whine to get down, then stand in the corner and pout. Granted it was about 115 F degrees (the F is NOT for my favorite word, but for Fahrenheit, but feel free to use either here. I’m sure I did!) OK so it was only about 85 but man the sun is strong here. The morning session is only 90 minutes, and they go by pretty quickly. Bribe the kids with food for awhile and play a little rough and tumble and before you know it, the 90 min is up. So most of this morning was Lena standing in a corner pouting.

It was the afternoon session that we realized she was probably feeling sick. Her forehead was a little hot, but then again, it WAS 115 F degrees. But they both have had very yucky noses the last few days and she was just out of sorts. So this afternoon, she climbed up in Mama’s lap and I sang to her for awhile, until Papa brought out the yogurt. Suddenly all the ailments were gone and she was feeling better.

While Dub on the other hand, was SOOOOO happy this afternoon. We went to get him from outside where his group was playing, and lo and behold the stockings of the day:

NO STOCKINGS!!! It’s a miracle. We actually got to see his fat pudgy little feet for the first time. Maybe he tee-teed in all his others and they were still in the wash. (or should I say on the line- they don’t uses dryers here- just lay the wet clothes out on the row of hedges.) Actually, he has not had an accident in about 4 days. We think we figured out how to make him “garshok.” If you try to undress him while he’s standing up, he screams bloody murder. But if you toss him on the ground, tickle a little, and pull his clothes off, he’s on the pot before he realizes what you’ve done! Then give him a little reading material (Gee- can you get him a phone hook up and a reading lamp for his potty???) and he is good to go.

Today Kev finally got a haircut. I begged him not to, but Ronald (as in McDonald) said he was going with our without my permission. It actually looks pretty good. Except the guy blew it dry. Very 80s. But it was VERY expensive. He paid 700 tenge including the tip. Outrageous! And I am expected to pay that tomorrow for my manicure and pedicure. Plus I’ll have to add another 100 tenge for a tip. This will bring the total for a mani-pedi + tip to a total of $6.15 USD. Wow. At that price, I may go get a pedicure every day. Even Lena is scared of my feet now!

We tried to explain Seinfeld to Vera today. Not sure how it translated. But since we brought the first 3 seasons (yes, I know season 4 came out while we’ve been here- I expect it sitting on my TV when I get home) with us, we’ll try to ensconce her in Seinfeld, not unlike George being ensconced in velvet. She loves Benny Hill but has never heard of Monty Python. And you know what they always say “No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition.” We also brought the Holy Grail, so we’ll loan it to her see how that goes over. She may think our sense of humor is very odd. Shocking!

Well, off to bed and watch 24. Tomorrow, being a day off, we’ll fill you in on a little of the excellent (?) food here and the angel-style driving.

Thanks for the updates and the prayers.
And congrats to our niece Jessica (who grad-i-ated from our alma-mater HHS today- you know- 20 years AFTER we grad-i-ated) Way to go Jessica!

Angel and Kevin and

Friday, May 27, 2005


Now that we know our court date, we can predict fairly accurately what the rest of our schedule will look like. Court date is Tuesday May 31. The 15 day waiting period starts the following day, June 1. We will get custody of the munchkins on June 16, and leave for Almaty either that day or the following day, whenever the "Spanish Train" goes to Almaty. We will spend approximately 1 week in Almaty, which time is completely dependent on how long it takes to get all the other paperwork, exit interviews, medical reviews, etc., finished. That means we should leave Almaty on either the 24th or the 25th, and it will take us 1 day to get home, due to the time difference and assuming we have a decent layover. We will most likely be going through from Almaty to Moscow to Atlanta. We'll have to buy 4 tickets from Almaty to Moscow, then our skymiles tickets will take us home directly from Moscow. So, 4 weeks from today, we should be on our way home. Whew.

Today was a really fun day with the kids. They are really starting to get to know us, and know that when we say "no" that means to stop whatever they are doing. Dub smacked his head for the 74th time today, and for the first time, it brought real tears. Then again, he did fall down directly on cement, so it's understandable. Daddy held him and told him it was ok, and after a few minutes, he was all Dub again. Today, though Dub had on his usual 3 layers top and bottom, Lena was in a pretty little skirt and t-shirt (Tom & Jerry for third day in a row), and just socks. No stockings! Mama has already purchased Lena some frilly little flowery pretty girly girl undies to replace the droopy drawer shorts they call underwear here. She's already Mama's little princess.

We have officially got the Morin family hooked on "24". They watched 8 straight episodes of season one yesterday alone!

Also, congratulations to my niece Jessica Fields for her graduation from my alma mater, Heritage High School! Go class of '05! Woo Hoo!

We've been asked for a health update: we're ok, despite occaisional bouts of Stalin's revenge. Lena's shoulder is as if it never happened. Dub's head has been conked more times than we can count, and, as mentioned earlier, tears have come only once, that being today.

Please pray that our travel details will be very smooth coming home. And, thank you for the continued influx of encouraging notes and catchup details of what's happening on the home front. We really do enjoy them.

Kevin & Angel

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Kazakhstan or Colorado?

Today we did not visit with Dub & Lena for the morning session. Instead, Mit drove us an hour east to the village where Valeryi Fatkulin was born 3 years ago, Kulan.

The drive was quiet as far as conversation goes, since Mit speaks very little English. However, the drive was simply magnificent. This drive is very much like the trip from Denver to Colorado Springs down I-25. It takes about an hour, is nothing but beautiful country, and the mountains stand tall and grand on your right the entire trip there.

Mit demonstrated the Kazakh method of driving for us once again, on what started out as a 4 lane highway, then went to 2 lane road, then just a wide strip of pavement, the just a wide strip of very, very old asphalt. I had just started to wonder when it would turn to dirt when we arrived. Along the way, it was quite common to see huge flocks of sheep both in the pastures and right alongside the road. We also saw many working donkey carts actually traveling the road, not to mention horses, cows, and goats grazing all along the road. It was like being taken back in time about 50 years to the western US. Incredible scenery, and a much slower pace of life.

But we were in the car, going 125 km/h, avoiding livestock and potholes and people along the way. The business in Kulan, which was just to get an original copy of Dub's birth certificate, took only about 15 minutes, and then we were back on the road. Mit stopped and let us take a few pictures of the maternity hospital where Dub was born.

Then, we stopped on the way out of Kulan to take more pictures at the "Welcome Center" of Kulan.

Finally, about 15 minutes outside Kulan, there is a grand statue of some kind of deer, elk, or other similar plain-grazing animal. Mit stopped along the side of the road, and in his broken English told us to follow him up the 50 foot shoulder of the highway up to the statue. The results of his efforts are below.

When we arrived at Umit for our afternoon visit, we were told that Dub & Lena saw Vera arrive in the morning with the Morin family. Both Dub & Lena expected to see us, and both broke down crying when we were not there. Yes, they know the schedule, they know the drill, and they knew we were supposed to be there and we were not. They were very happy to see us when we arrived at 4pm.

Vera delivered the bad news that our court date is NOT going to be Friday, but next Tuesday instead. Apparently, we were going to get a substitute judge, who was willing to make room in his schedule for us. But the big boss judge got word of this while he was attending a seminar in Almaty, and said the he and he only handles all international adoptions. Our court date is Tuesday. He will not waive the 15 day waiting period, so we expect to leave Taraz for Almaty on the 17th of June.

Yes, we were a little disappointed. However, we have just recently heard of 2 couples - one here already and the other still waiting in the US - who are both having great trouble with their referrals. We don't yet know their outcomes yet. So, we are thankful to be here and bonding with Dub & Lena, and we'll take whatever court date and time frame God wants us to have. God is good, and His plan is perfect.

Kevin & Angel

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Another day in paradise

Today was very much a groundhog day: wake up, have breakfast at the hotel, go see the kids, have lunch, nap, go see the kids, go to Kazakh history class, have dinner, watch "Meet the Fockers", go to bed.

Ho hum. However, we do have a few fun pictures to share.

Yes, Lena, you can have the banana.

Sorry, Dub, but this was irresistable. Perhaps the financial pages next...

Who wants a gummy bear? I do! I do! We've taught them "please" and "thank you", but they're still learning English, so it comes out "PEEEEEZE!! Dongo!!"

Like brother, like sister.

Pay attention, children. Mommy will show you exactly what to do.

Yes, again, Mini Me.

A new Yurta being constructed near the Taraz square. Not sure what it will be, but Vera says probably a restaurant or something like that.

We have learned that our court date might be this Friday, which is great, since that is when our 15 day waiting period will start. Vera says she already knows that the judge is not going to waive our 15 day waiting period. Thank you for your prayers for that. God is good. God answers our specific prayers in one of three ways: yes, no, or wait. In this case, we got a "no" and a "wait" 15 days. In His grand plan, 15 days is the blink of an eye. We will treasure these days as we have them solely to bond with our children. It's a gift of time, something we busy Americans don't often get these days. God is good.

Thursday we will go with Mit to the village of Valeryi's birth to obtain his original birth certificate. No idea what to expect, but this "village" is 2 hours outside of Taraz, so it's probably more like an actual village.

Tonite in Kazakh history class, we learned some traditions. When a Kazakh girl gets engaged, she is presented with traditional silver earings from the family of the groom. When a boy reaches a certain age of maturity, he is given a gun, or a traditional Kazakh whip of horse hair, or perhaps a traditional Kazakh sword. The earings are no problem for Lena. We'll be looking for the whip and/or sword. Not sure how that will come through customs...

Kevin & Angel

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Groundhog Day

Remember the 1993 movie with Andie McDowell and Bill Murray called Groundhog Day? Bill is a weatherman on location to cover the big groundhog/shadow story. Except it's the worst day of his life and when he wakes up the next morning it's the EXACT SAME DAY! He has to repeat it all over again. And again and again and again. That's what we feel like. And we just got an email from a family- the Wazzzzup! Baby family- the Keilins who said the exact same thing. We wake up, eat breakfast at the hotel, drive to Umit, visit with the kids, drive back to hotel, lunch, nap, drive back to Umit, visit, drive back to hotel, eat, watch 24 and go to bed. EVERY SINGLE DAY! The only variable is where we eat lunch and dinner. Then its’ the big decision between samsas and shishlik. We haven’t ventured out too far beyond those favorites. I’m beginning to feel like this "day" will never end! But we have hope. The official bonding time is over and from here on out it's just waiting and court. Speaking of court, we have to give the judge a gift. How about an all expense paid 4 week cruise on the QE2? And then if he doesn't grant our waiver, we can always give him a trip to the Bermuda Triangle.

Thought I'd give some insights on the kid's personalities. What should you expect from these little darlings?

Dub is 3- he'll be 4 Oct. 3, but he's really more on the 2 year old level. At least for now. His clothes (as far as we can tell) are around a 2T. He talks just fine when he wants to in a strange combination of Russian and Kazakh and now English. He'll repeat EVERYTHING you say (man do I need to change my favorite word!!!!) He is extremely ticklish. He will jump into ANYONE’S arms who holds them open for him. He loves to eat, and he eats with enthusiasm. It's a challenge that must be tackled as quickly and messily as possible. Mostly obedient. If you have to discipline him, he doesn't cry and scream, he just stands there like this little storm cloud. He has NO interest in cleaning up his toys. He loves to run as fast as he can, and that means if he's outside, that means at least 6 "face plants" between him and us. And he never sheds a tear. He can also smash his head o the carpet, or table corner or the side of a piano and doesn't even flinch. Like his father, his pain threshold is very high. I don't know if it's the shoes or the 4 layers of clothes or just developmentally that makes him a little unsteady when he runs. But if he wants you to go a certain direction when you're walking, he's stronger than you, and you WILL go his direction.

Lena is also 3- she'll be 4 on Nov 24 (guess who will be having Thanksgiving at their house this year???) She, too, is more on the 2 year old level. Her clothes are a 2T but is rapidly outgrowing that. She talks a LOT and will also repeat after you. She is very smart as we've seen with blocks and puzzles. She is VERY possessive of her things. Like her mother, she is going to love BAGS and loves to put things in her bags. I'll be buying her a little backpack this week. She LOVES to clean up. Favorite thing. (which is either going to be a blessing or a curse to me!) She is extremely independent and wants to do things for herself. But at the same time, if we go outside for a walk, she wants to be held all the time. She is EXTERMLY disobedient. And if you say no or spank her hand, (also like her mother...) she just laughs and laughs. As with Dub, if she doesn't get her way, she doesn't cry and scream, she just stands there and pouts (see yesterday's photos). She knows she's cute and knows how to use it. She understands English pretty well. She is showing some athletic promise to Mama Dear’s chagrin. Loves the soccer ball. She (also again like her mother) is very headstrong but can be very generous and loving.

All in all they are great kids and we have bonded so quickly and so closely it's hard to imagine they are not our bio kids. Epically since they are so much like US!!!

Dub in his stormcloud mood.

Trying to teach "Please" but it comes out "Pweezesh"

Dub littlelips

Lena and all her worldly poessions. I need a bag, mom!

Oh boy! My favorite!

I do! I do!

Finally put her in a dress, but are they colorblind?

Dub, Lena and the MOrin Family- Chelsea, Alek and little Diana